A complete chlorinating of the well and distribution piping can often eliminate problems of iron bacteria, organic growths, algae, and their associated tastes and odors. Chlorination is not effective for removing the entire "rotten egg" odor of sulfur waters, or for killing bacteria where septic drainage, etc. has contaminated the underground water supply. Warning- Electrical shock hazard exists In well. Where wires are spliced use caution.

A Camp Well Drilling pump truck and drilling equipment in a parking lot near a building.

The method commonly used to chlorinate household wells with well caps (system with a well seal requires a pump technician) are as follows:

  1. Flush pressure tank and hot water heater to remove all loose sedimentary material. Warning- Bypass any water treatment equipment. Excess chlorination can damage media.

  2. Remove the well cap and with the power in the "off" position pull wires out of the way. Do not disconnect wires. Warning- Electrical shock hazard exists.

  3. Connect a hose to any nearest outside faucet and insert the discharge end of the hose into the well casing.

  4. Pour 4+ gallons of high concentration unscented bleach into the well. Open the faucet and run until chlorine odor is detected. Rinse casing and top of pitless thoroughly and allow the water to circulate for about 15 minutes. Use caution not to pour chlorine or water on the splices or wire.

  5. While the water is circulating, open each cold water tap in the house, until a chlorine .odor can be detected. Then open each hot water tap until a chlorine odor can be detected. Warning- Attention should he taken to limit the amount of chlorinated water introduced In lite septic system.

  6. Pour another 2 gallons of high concentration unscented bleach into the well, rinse casing and top of pitless thoroughly and continue to circulate for an additional 15 minutes.

  7. After the circulating period, the system should be shut down and unused for a minimum of 4 hours, preferably 24 hours. Do not use water, except for toilets, until the water is free of chlorine. Warning - Do not water livestock or pets.

  8. After the 24 hour period flush the well first by removing the hose from the well casing and opening the hose faucet until the discharge is free of chlorine( dispose of chlorinated water properly, ditch, driveway or field). Only after the well is free of chlorinated water can you begin flushing the house taps. Begin by draining the hot water tank outside if possible, then open each cold and hot tap and allow to run until water is free of chlorine. Warning- Avoid discharging this high{v caustic water onto landscaping. Attention should he given to limit the amount of chlorinated water introduced into the septic system.